Updates galore!

Hey cool players! 

This is going to be a quick post.

Based on some feedback from players, we updated Victoria with a few new things. 

  • We heard complaints that the inventory system was confusing (pressing tab to open it) so we added an icon to open it by simply clicking on it (you can still tab or middle mouse click to open it). 

  • We lowered the volume on Victoria's "blah blahs"  so they're less annoying (we so want to get a budget so we can hire a voice artist for her lines!). 

  • The diary had a small issue and wasn't updating in some situation, that's now fixed. 

  • A few lines weren't translated to Spanish, we also added the localization for those. 

We added the company intro and also credits for everyone that worked on this demo. 

There's a few other small fixes to make everything run smoother!

Thank you everyone for playing, please spread the word about Victoria and rate us! 

Matías and Diego 


Victoria_WebGL_V0.0.2.10.zip Play in browser
52 days ago

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